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Barbara Davis

Average Rating3.70
(based on 58 reviews)

I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.




I am a High School World Language Teacher of Spanish, French, ESL and Bi-lingual education with 25 years of experience teaching all levels K-University level language classes. I love teaching and always ask for new responsibilities to broaden my knowledge. I am a documentary buff so I also write movie guides on a variety of Social Studies and Health related topics in addition to World Languages. I am excited to be able to share lessons with others and welcome your feedback.
Powerpoint: Preterite vs Imperfect Interactive presentation

Powerpoint: Preterite vs Imperfect Interactive presentation

Whether you are just learning preterite vs imperfect or reviewing it with higher level classes, this presentation takes you through the usage step by step for all cases involving preterite and imperfect tenses. There are 45 questions sprinkled throughout the lesson for students to choose the correct tense. This lesson was written to accompany classroom clickers remote learning systems but could easily be completed with a pencil and paper if you don't have access to remote learning systems. Takes one full class period to complete if your students are taking notes while you present.
PRUEBA: Subjunctive Quiz Spanish

PRUEBA: Subjunctive Quiz Spanish

This quiz works best for a level III or higher class where students have already been working with subjunctive verbs for awhile. I use it as my second quiz after students have completed my homework practice packet. Quiz is 50 pts, takes one class to complete and is graduated in task level. 1) identification of expressions that take either Subj or Indicative tenses. 2) Practice sentences to complete in Subj, Ind or Infinitive 3) an essay prompt on a student familiar topic for them to answer creatively using subj and indicative tenses, work bank of starter expressions included for them.
Quiz: Subjunctive vs Indicative

Quiz: Subjunctive vs Indicative

50 point quiz suitable for level 3 or higher where students have been working on the present subjunctive tense. Quiz is scaffolded with SUB or IND choices for expressions first (15) followed by fill in blank with Subjunctive, Indicative or Infinitive (15) and 10 situations where students have to offer their own solutions using the subjunctive in complete sentences (20 pts, proficiency) Answer key is provided for the first two sections, the last section student answers will vary. Takes one class period to complete.
NOSOTROS NO Reading Guide

NOSOTROS NO Reading Guide

This four page reading guide accompanies the short story NOSOTROS NO. (free downloadable black line at http://hispanicexplorer.tripod.com/nosotros_no.htm . Lesson contains a list of useful vocabulary and a practice exercise, pre-reading questions for students to complete and discuss in pairs and small groups, brainstorming questions about the roles senior citizens play in our families and society, comprehension questions that accompany the story and a choice of essay prompts linked to the outcome of the story for students to answer. This lesson works best for a level IV or higher Spanish class or is also suitable for a heritage learner class. Takes at least 2 class periods to complete if you include time for reading in class.
Proyecto: LA CASA DE TUS SUEÑOS (Dream House Project)

Proyecto: LA CASA DE TUS SUEÑOS (Dream House Project)

This project is best suited to a second semester Spanish I class where students have had some exposure to TENER, ESTAR and prepositions. It works well as a concluding project to a unit on the house. Students create a house of their dreams and then describe the rooms to their classmates in Spanish. Project download contains directions for the project, draft script, final script, useful vocabulary list and grading rubric. Recommend 2 days in computer lab for students to create their visuals or can be assigned as homework.
Reflexive Verbs: Practice Packet

Reflexive Verbs: Practice Packet

This five page packet contains everything you need to introduce your students to reflexive verbs in Spanish. Includes: a list of reflexive verbs and their definitions, a step by step explanation on the use and conjugation of reflexives with practice samples, three worksheets to practice conjugations, deciding if a verb s/b reflexive in simple sentences and box charts of stem changers.
Powerpoint: Immigration Vocabulary and list of useful words

Powerpoint: Immigration Vocabulary and list of useful words

Teaching a unit on immigration this year? With as much press for reform as of recently, its a timely topic. This 60 word powerpoint contains pictures for common vocabulary to discuss immigration. Preview file is a blackline vocabulary list with Spanish and English and a middle column for students to write short sentences or definitions using the words as practice that accompanies the powerpoint. Powerpoint takes about one class period to present and generates some good discussions/prior knowledge around words like amnesty, corruption, sponsorship etc. This powerpoint and list works well for level III or higher students who have had some experience with present subjunctive in order to form opinions and make recommendations. You may wish to teach immigration alongside subjunctive so students can express their views as they learn.
Powerpoint: SABER vs CONOCER Notes and Practice

Powerpoint: SABER vs CONOCER Notes and Practice

This 10 slide powerpoint outlines the basics of the SABER/CONOCER dilemma, covers usage, conjugations and a slide of practice sentences and answers. Good for launching an explanation of SABER CONOCER to Spanish I or higher. Takes about 20 minutes to present. Download also includes word doc for scaffolded notes and practice that accompanies the powerpoint.
HABER verbs with Past Participles : Notes and Practice Packet

HABER verbs with Past Participles : Notes and Practice Packet

This practice packet will guide students through HABER as a helping verb and how to use it in the present, imperfect, future and conditional. It also covers formation of past participles in regular and irregular forms and contains 56 practice exercises for conjugation in the four tenses. This works well for a level III or higher class where you are studying past participles or as a review for a AP level 5 class.
EL SUBJUNTIVO POWERPOINT: Everything you need to know

EL SUBJUNTIVO POWERPOINT: Everything you need to know

This powerpoint presentation will launch the unit on subjunctive, covering requirements for a subjunctive verb, formation of the tense and many of the irregular, weird Yo, stem changer verbs, and lots of practice examples. There are several slides for oral practice where students can shout out then check their conjugations, followed by a list of WEDDING conditions for subjunctive sentences with examples and 32 practice examples on slides with answers so students can check their work and discuss along the way. I use this presentation over the course of several days to work on subjunctives and follow up with a practice packet of additional exercises, but the powerpoint could easily carry students through the first three days of notetaking and practice. Presentation adapts nicely to the AVID style of Cornell notetaking. I was observed using this lesson and the administration loved it!
Project: Había una vez Fairytale using Preterite and Imperfect

Project: Había una vez Fairytale using Preterite and Imperfect

This project outlines the parameters for students to create their own fairy tale after studying the preterite vs the imperfect tense. Students have the choice of two formats, and project outline includes directions, required "buzz words", grading rubric and a list of useful vocabulary for writing fairy tales. This project works best at a level II or III class that has finished the study of the two past tenses and is a great way to assess for understanding in context.
Powerpoint: Making Comparisons in Spanish (Comparativos)

Powerpoint: Making Comparisons in Spanish (Comparativos)

This 23 slide powerpoint walks students through making comparisons of equality and inequality. Slides use celebrities and athletes to help student practice making comparisons. Examples of each kind and opportunities for creative examples from students. This presentation works well as an introduction to comparatives (have students take notes and copy examples) or as quick review before a quiz.
Hispanic/Spanish Trivia Scavenger Hunt

Hispanic/Spanish Trivia Scavenger Hunt

This assignment is excellent for students just beginning their study of Spanish. I assign it as homework on the first day of school as a contest. Students use friends, family, internet to research and discover dozens of connection of Spanish to their own country and surroundings. 10 in-depth questions with multiple answers send kids looking for all kinds of geographical, literary, cultural and historical information. You could also do this assignment in pairs in a computer lab. Students enjoy the challenge and discovering how many Spanish words are part of our lives already. Answer key also included so you have no homework tonight!
Preterite Verb Short Story "GENESIS" - Marco Denevi

Preterite Verb Short Story "GENESIS" - Marco Denevi

This very short story by Marco Denevi makes an excellent preterite practice for students. A very small piece of the text has been adapted to keep students in the preterite vs imperfect. Students read the story, conjugate the verbs and then answer 6 comprehension questions afterward. Assignment contains 26 verbs to conjugate, a word bank for tricky vocab and 6 questions. Suitable for Spanish II or higher students.
Indirect Object Pronouns: Practice Pages

Indirect Object Pronouns: Practice Pages

This notes and practice packet works well for introducing students to usage and placement of Indirect Object pronouns. Notes take students through function and placement of IOPs in 1 verb, 2 verb, gerund, positive/negative commands, questions and answers. Packet contains 50 practice exercises grouped together step by step and finishing with open ended questions using IOP's students can discuss with peers in class. This lesson works best for level II or higher, could also be used as a review of Indirect Object PRonouns for higher levels.
Webquest: Dia de los Muertos

Webquest: Dia de los Muertos

Take your students to the computer lab for an hour to learn about Day of the Dead. Webquest guides students through important vocabulary and provides links to video links for students to observe Day of the Dead traditions and to respond with their own reflections. Lesson takes one class period to complete and is appropriate for level III or higher where students have some comprehension of Spanish.
MANDATOS (Commands) "TU" Notes and 100 practice examples

MANDATOS (Commands) "TU" Notes and 100 practice examples

This is a difficult concept for Spanish II students, and these notes and practices will take them through the process step by step. Positive TU commands are explained first followed by 50 practice examples that also address pronoun placement. Then Negative TU commands are presented with 50 more practice examples. Graphic organizer note outlines are great to introduce this concept or for students who need extra practice or a brush up.
Gran Hotel I : Quienes son?

Gran Hotel I : Quienes son?

This little chart is great for episode one to introduce students to the characters. Students track what they know to be true about each character (professions, relationship) and what they observe to be their personality. At the end, students make quick predictions about what will happen next. This telenovela works great for Heritage Spanish students and fits neatly in one class period.
¿Qué hora es? Notes, Practice and partner activity for telling time

¿Qué hora es? Notes, Practice and partner activity for telling time

These are simple step by step notes on how to tell time in Spanish. Each section has practice examples for students to write time on the hour, half hour, quarter hours and random in between times. Page two has blank clock faces where students can practice writing times you read to them, and there is a partner practice where students can ask and answer times in Spanish speaking capital cities. Four pages total to practice telling time reading, writing, listening and speaking. This lesson is best suited for students that are just beginning telling time, or for those students in 2nd year re-visiting the topic for a day to brush up their skills.
El Poema Me Encanta: Write a poem using verbs like GUSTAR

El Poema Me Encanta: Write a poem using verbs like GUSTAR

This assignment works best for students in SPanish II who have reviewed usage of verbs like GUSTAR or for SPanish I students after the have already learned adjectives and basic regular verb conjugation. Students create an original poem about something they love and then present it to the class. Packet contains parameters of assignment, tips for students on composing their thoughts, revision/proofing code list for peer correction or teacher proofing and grading rubric. This lesson works well as a final assessment of GUSTAR or related verbs and students enjoy presenting their works out loud in a Poetry slam. Plan at least two days for creation and proofing, one day for final revision and 1-2 days to present depending on class size.